16 June 2015
We can offer you the latest intelligent software where your finger is your key. The Fingerprint Door entry system now available for both domestic homes and commercial offices alike. The ekey finger scanner gives you unrivalled convenience with maximum security. Suitable for people with special needs with its keyless entry system. It can be fitted to any of our composite entrance doors.
Gives unrivalled convenience:
- Your key is always on hand! Impossible to lock yourself out. No lost or stolen keys and maximum protection against forgery.
- User-friendly easy installation and administration
- Intelligent Software which is learning all the time - it can detect the growth of children’s fingers as well as minor injuries and changes in user habits
- This unique design offers a 5-year quality guarantee
Get Connected with the ekey home app. Communicate with your ekey using your smart phone. Available for Android and Apple iOS
Talk to Martin today 086 8174293 or request a brochure [email protected]